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Saturday 3 December 2011

Crush ;)

 Ever wondered what it feels like when your crush loves someone else ? well , this is how it feels or rather to be more specific this is how I feel.I feel like my hearts been broken and shattered to pieces,like everything i ever imagined just isn't true or a reality.It's like being a rubber;you love the pencil so much untill you offer it so much but forgetting that you'll eventually fade away and pretty soon he doesn't even remember your name.Yup,thats what i feel.Still don't get it ? ughhh , are you born without feelings dude ? Fine let me explain some more,here it goes.Have you ever watched Harry Potter before ? well , if you haven't i recomend you watching or reading it,it's super sad and awesome ! anyways,it feels a lot like Snape who loves Lily so badly but Lily picked James instead of him.Yes people .. this is how i feel , keeping a crush since i don't know when and finding the boy who i happened to like being in love with another girl.I mean thats just like WTF ?!! You've love someone so much for a long time and then comes this ''girl'' and you're crush totally loves her.And what do you get in the end my friend ? nothing , nadaaa and i mean you've just lost.All this time admiring , stalking , smiling and acting like a complete idiot of yourself  but for what ?! NOTHING . HE isn't gonna see me , he isn't gonna do all those things i did for him .So i'm just F**ked up !!!!! Everything i ever dream shattered and vanished.Well .. i don't lie , i am sad and im like crying my eyes out ! but heck , that can't change anything will it ? i just wish the girl was me and i just wish he likes me rather than her.But what the hell,what i can do ? i'll just hope for the best and pray that one day i'll forget him or he'll come to me by he's own feeling;i mean i can like seduce him but come on ! i'm not a BI*CH dude , i love him but if he's happy with her .. i guess i'll just smile and let all my feelings out on a status at fb or music's that relate my situation.I should me greatful .. i mean i still have my family and frends whom i love and care ... so i'll just let fate take it's part in all this drama called my life . It's sad , yes but that's suppose to happen in a normal teenage life right ?! so i'll just never give up and try again ! what's worth living without a little heart ache right ? To other teens out there , don't be sad if you're crush or boy is not loving u or cheating you . Cause you deserve the best rather than them sweetie , ok ? everyone's special in our own special way.Love will always come if you are patience ;)

P/S:Rest in peace for all souls who has left those world exspecially kid who died in war and victims of murder and virus.May you all rest and happily watching all of us in heaven with our creator <3 Amen . Cause i and you are still lucky;it's better our heart that lives that shatter.Love yourself and you're life :D

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